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Used to parameterize a design entity. Different Instances of the same design entity can have different values for the generic parameters. Generics are given values in the generic map of an Instance.


  generic (GenericName, ... : DataType [:= Expression];


entity-is--port-end component--port-end block--generic map-port-begin-end


The Expression gives the default value, and must be static. Only a generic with a default value can be omitted from the corresponding generic map. Generics are constants; they cannot be assigned new values.

Things to remember

The generics of an entity must be duplicated in the corresponding component, to allow instances of the component to be configured implicitly via the default rules.


Many synthesis tools support only integer generics.


  generic (N, M: Positive;
           Mask: Std_logic_vector := "11111111");

See Also

Generic map, Entity, Component, Port